Water Testing Laboratory in Mumbai
Drinking water quality testing and analysis in laboratories is critical for human health. We test Total Coliform Bacteria, Nitrate, pH, Hardness, and TDS in our laboratory. When we draw water from a tap for a variety of purposes such as drinking, bathing, and cooking, we place a high level of trust in it. Do we? We can have a high level of trust because we know the water we receive has been treated and tested. Water Testing Laboratory in Mumbai allows us to determine whether or not the water is safe to use.
What is water quality testing?
Water Quality Testing refers to a wide range of procedures used to assess the quality of water. Different parameters are analyzed to determine the quality of water and whether it is safe for consumption. Water testing is not limited to the analysis of drinking water. It also plays an important role in testing domestic wastewater, industrial effluents, packaged/natural mineral water, groundwater, and so on.
The Importance of Drinking Water Quality Testing and Analysis
Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water. i.e., water accounts for two-thirds of the human body. What happens if the water we drink is contaminated? Every year, water pollution kills more than 3 million people (mostly from diarrhea). To ensure that the water we drink is pure and free of bacteria and harmful metals. Drinking water analysis in the laboratory is required. Since we were children, we have been told that prevention is better than cure. It also holds in this case.
Water Testing Laboratory in Mumbai

● Consider the following scenario: water is not tested before it is sent to us. The water may contain biological contaminants that can cause health problems.
● Drinking Water Sampling Points: Drinking Water Sampling is the most important process in drinking water analysis. It must be collected from a location that is representative of the water source being tested.
● Sampling frequency: The most important tests in water quality surveillance are those for microbiological quality, which include bacteria indicators, turbidity, free chlorine levels, and pH. These should be done whenever a sample is collected. It is recommended that drinking water be analyzed once a year.
● Storage of Samples: Sample collection and analysis should occur no later than six hours, with twenty-four hours being the absolute maximum, despite differing recommendations. Presumably, to ensure rapid cooling, the samples are placed immediately into an insulated, light-proof box and filled with ice packs or melting ice. When transporting water before drinking water analysis, two hours cannot be spent if ice is not available. After understanding the importance of testing water quality, the next question is how to do so.
Drinking water quality testing and analysis:
To conduct water quality testing, it is necessary to first understand the purpose of the water, specifically where it is going. Will the water be used for drinking or discharged into open sources? Once this is known, the standards and parameters that must be examined should be understood.
- Standards: Some of the standards used in water quality analysis include those of APHA, IS, CPCB, and WHO. The set of standards can be referred to for various purposes.
- Types of tests: Water testing can be divided into three categories.
Types of Water Quality Testing – Perfect Pollution Control Services
- Physical Water Quality Tests – These identify properties that can be detected by the senses. Color, turbidity, odor, and taste are examples of physical test parameters.
- Chemical Water Quality Tests – These determine the amount of mineral and organic substances that influence water quality. Some of the parameters classified as chemical tests include pH, BOD, DO, Ca, Mg, and Cl.
- Bacteriological Water Quality Tests – These detect the presence of bacteria. Bacteriological tests are primarily used to identify fecal contamination.
Water Testing Laboratory in Mumbai entails a series of steps that assess the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water to determine its safety and suitability for various applications.